Monday 8 December 2014


I tell my learners all the time about French manicure, not being the same as nail artistry. French manicure is when the nail looks clean and healthy. Not when it has a white,obviously painted free edge. Anyway to keep me from getting on my soap box below is a complete quote from ORLY because I couldn't say it better. 
"Established in the 1970's, ORLY created the iconic French manicure to complement Hollywood star's entire on-set wardrobes. After being showcased on Parisian catwalks, ORLY became an instant classic that is still as popular today and remains the trendsetter when it comes to fashion for nails. Taking influence from the catwalk, ORLY's seasonal collections go hand in hand with fashion trends and showcase everything you need to keep your hands and feet in the red carpet style they deserve".
Have a look at their nail art colours - they are so vibrant and on special offer!!

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