Sunday 29 March 2020


I am working within The Community at an Adult Education Centre. It is a different set-up to the Further Education College. Although similar qualifications can be gained these courses are Government sponsored and in some cases free depending on the Students' situation.

The Learners that are at the Adult Education Centre have a different attitude to learning to those that are at Further Education Colleges. They are mostly adult learners either looking at a change of career, or have worked mostly as a housewives perhaps returning to work after a long break. Often lacking in confidence, but worst of all feeling that they have failed before. Whether it is failed to have decided on a career when they were younger or failed at several other attempts and becoming a Beauty Therapist is what they envisage an easy choice.

Imagine the anxiety that is felt when they discover that anatomy and physiology is included in the curriculum. Some decide they've failed before and survived so failing again is how the cookie crumbles.

Then they come into my class. In the induction I let them know failing is not an option so if they've joined thinking it does not matter if they pass or complete the course; they should not come to the second class as I do not accept learners that intend to fail.

My learners are doing great!!

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