Thursday 20 July 2017


That's the thing about teaching. We repeat ourselves millions of times - I don't mind at all - really I don't! ☺

It's that demonstration that cuts into students practical sessions that cause me concern. Of course the demonstration is for their own good to see the treatment completed in the flesh so to speak, but some learners daydream through parts that they think are not significant. Only later in the course they realise the importance of this one off full demo.

The importance of the hand massage cannot be over stated. It can be so disappointing when you go for a manicure and the therapist seems to be creaming your hands rather than giving you a relaxing massage, which is an essential part of a manicure.

So here you are a demo you can watch over and over again. Give it a go click here 

Use your newly learnt  hand massage technique on friends and family as well as part of a manicure treatment.

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