Friday 30 March 2018


The final brief was defying gravity

The judges wanted to see the hair dressers "...Create a vision in a way that almost sends a message to the people..." and to "...push the boundaries and produce something remarkable..."

The last challenge was to defy gravity. The judges suggested back combing, hair donuts and chicken wire. They were looking for "...technique, creativity and style". "...a beautiful hair style that doesn't look like it's weighing a ton..." and "... hair that goes up lightly with no wobbling..."

And while the semi finalist combed, brushed, styled and used every technique they could to create their look and sweated the judges looked on and asked questions;
Judge: Is it a bit to much? my question is; is it possible to be to much in a competition?
Judge: Has she gone beyond the theme? my question is; is it possible to go beyond the theme?
Judge: The contestant has great "...technical skills." My question is so why not recognise those technical skills!?!!

Finalist Anoushka used only hair spray, dryer and her technical skills with the models natural hair to create the look of the hair floating upwards. Anoushka's creation genuinely defied gravity.

Amie the winner produced dandelions made from handcrafted pompoms on a frame attached to the head - with some hair going upwards. 

This woman is not always serious - I love Anoushka's  laugh!!

Bobbie - a genuine friend and perfect cheerleader. 

Bobbie is a great make-up artist.

By the time I had written the previous blog about Extreme Hair Wars the final had already been completed. Perhaps this is the reason they were not able to take on the suggestion of entering a wild card into the mix.

Just by entering a competition you are a success by being at competition level. To showcase your skill and learn during the process can only be a good thing.

I am going to leave it up to you to decide who should have won this competition - we are all great judges... 

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